
Anti-Satellite Missile
My first album as Utami. Channeling a lot of Ace Combat 3 vibes. Lots of atmospherics. Tracks presented roughly in the order I made them.
Album art by tofuboi.

Denpa-Kei Jungle Vol. 1
A fun project for funneling all of my anime-themed tracks into. Faster, a bit manic, and lots of having fun with samples.
Album art made using Custom Order Maid 3D2.

VHF 128.500
My second aviation-themed album. More jazzy. Also the CD & Bandcamp versions include a voice-acted storyline.
Album art by me.

Highspeed Anti-Radiation Missile
In many ways, this is the “sequel” to Anti-Satellite Missile. Still very atmospheric, but shooting in a different direction.
Album art by Dr. Yzerman.

A Virtual-On themed EP, with track titles that increase in urgency as the tracks themselves get more chilled-out.
Album art by me.

An Armored Core themed EP, incorporating a lot of Armored Core 3 era techno influence into DnB.
Album art by me.

Air Intercept Missile 4
An EP made from a bunch of tracks I made in late 2023 and early 2024. Very chilled-out and atmospheric.
Album art by Dr. Yzerman.

Denpa-kei Jungle Vol. 2
The sequel to Denpa-kei Jungle Vol. 1. A little bit more refined, but still very fun, experimental, and “out there.”
https://utamihasegawa.bandcamp.com/album/denpa-kei-jungle-vol-2Album art by VZMk2.

Electric Lady
A single consisting of of a track I made for Ami-35 of VFleet and another track I had finished, but hadn’t put anywhere.
Album art by Dr. Yzerman.

The instrumental, vocal, and “TV” versions of Meteor, from Highspeed Anti-Radiation Missile (2024).
Album art by Dr. Yzerman.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.